Saturday, March 7, 2009

You do the math... or not

So apparently there's a French website where you can pay people smarter than you (or at least more dedicated to the evils that is math) to do your math homework for you.

I have one question.... WHERE WAS THIS WHEN I WAS IN SCHOOL!? I mean damn! If I had been able to pay some math genius to do my math homework without having to commit myself to a bad date at the Waffle House I might have actually been able to get into a 4 year college! Who knows... I could be working at something so much cooler than this looney tunes bin!

Wait a minute.. there could be a downside to supposedly being "good" at math, I might end up with a job that requires math daily. And of course, by the that point I'd been so used to lying and claiming to be good at math I'd be too damn stubborn to not take the job and instead screw the company over ala... a Stockbroker.

Full Story: You do the math. Or pay a website to do it

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