Thursday, April 30, 2009

Watch what you post...

Yet more proof that you shouldn't post or take photos/video of something you DO NOT want everyone to see! There's exhibitionism & the bachelor's party and then there's stupidity
"A furious fiancee dumped her boyfriend after catching him fondling another girl's boobs on Facebook just days before their wedding."

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I believe this photo says it all...

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Monday, April 27, 2009

Tanner and JJ

This could SO easily be Tanner and JJ on one of their fights over what is the better donuts (its apple fritters btw)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Odd birds in society...

Generally speaking when your leaving a message on someone new's phone you do listen to who your leaving a message for, right? I mean I'm Jill and my voicemail says that... what makes you think that my voicemail is magically going to be able to deliver a message to a Monique?

In case you haven't been able to read through the lines, I had a voicemail message for a chick named Monique. Apparently, (possibly to her good fortune?) she is now the lucky winner of a married man named Chuck since his wife (the lady who left the message) is divorcing him and taking the kids.

Another stupid person who doesn't quite get it:

050521_Fox News Hannity & Colmes "Forsake The Military"

Monday, April 20, 2009

Twitter (bleq) is taking over the world

"A tech-savvy (and kind of sadistic) judge in Mississippi is making news for his unusual decision to force a paroled convict to tweet every ten minutes as a way of updating his parole officer of his whereabouts. It's tough to know who's being punished more - the convict or whoever's following him."

Convict Forced to Tweet by Tech-Savvy Judge

Friday, April 17, 2009

State of America..

When you have a brand spanking new jaguar parked out in front of your rented mobile home that some how your able to get detailed every other week... you got to think that perhaps its time you reevaluate your priorities in life.

On the plus (?) side... there won't be a brothel tax added anytime soon...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

If Tanner was an inventor.....

Have you ever wondered what Tanner might do for a living if he couldn't work at the radio station? The following video talks about the Rodenator Pro "a machine that pumps oxygen and propane into tunnels used by burrowing animals like squirrels, then sends an electric spark so the tunnel EXPLODES."

Yeah.... TOTALLY sounds like something Tanner would invent if he didn't end up with an injury every time he opens his tool box because he has "a great idea"...

Rodenator Pro

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


As crazy as Georgie Porgie is (you know... George Allen Shaffer) I really am afraid that I'll come in one day and this will be my office:

Monday, April 13, 2009

Depths of Jill's email

Got this in my email today... it caught my attention. I'd certainly buy from them!

Friday, April 10, 2009


I thought mine was the only mother who called about a half a billion times during the week and a solid trillion on the weekends. Apparently... not so much: Court fines mother for phoning son too much

Anita Renfroe gives us a very good example of how ... precious.. our mothers can be

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

National Moron day!?

Was today National Moron Day and someone forgot to tell me to stay home!? Granted I don't have a lot of road rage (I mean really, look at who I work with, if I got enraged that quickly they would have all been dead a long time ago and I'd be enjoying the hospitality of a big ole gal name Marge while rocking an orange jumpsuit.

I made the mistake of mentioning hte morons to my mother when she called (for the 12th time) today and she told me:
"God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference."

My response? "God, if you didn't want me to hurt them why'd let the super cute Carter teach me to shoot that one warm summer day?"

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Apocalypse now!

So Tanner's team was about as successful with the ladies last night as the dating candidate below. In fact... I think the world is coming to an end. With the exception of talking on the radio he hasn't said more than 4 words, TOTAL, all day! And I'm fairly certain if we hadn't had one Dunkin Donut Blueberry left it would have been just 2 words.

All well, may suck to be him, but at least I'm free of hearing about March Madness for another year.

Jermey Rowley

Monday, April 6, 2009

Jill's morning commute...

Just a small bit of what insanity and weirdness I see on my way to work...

Friday, April 3, 2009

Math Sucks

As if I wasn't depressed enough about my lack of math skills without a calculator but now Italian researchers have found that 3-day-old chickens can do basic arithmetic.

Abbott and Costello explain Math I can SO relate to this... stupid chickens

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Stupid cops... part deux

An arrested moron managed to get through FOUR pat downs by cops and STILL had his gun on him when he ended up at the local jail and only then dropped it of when he realized he'd be stripped searched. Apparently the economy crisis is causing more of a budget crunch then normal and I think I can point a finger at where they chose to skimp on in cop boot camp.

OH... and as if you needed further proof that training is *probably* not the best place to skimp on for cops.....

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Never finished college? Maybe its a good thing? complied The 15 Strangest College Courses In America. Below are the titles, you can get descriptions on each class and a few schools who offer it by following the link. If this is what's being offered in college today do we really need a college degree to prove we're qualified??
Hmm.... now that I think of it... it'd certainly explain The Boys a bit

15. Arguing with Judge Judy: Popular ‘Logic’ on TV Judge Shows
14. Underwater Basket Weaving
13. Learning From YouTube

12. Philosophy and Star Trek

11. The Art of Walking
10. Daytime Serials: Family and Social Roles

9. Joy of Garbage

8. The Science of Superheroes
7. Zombies in Popular Media

6. The Science of Harry Potter
5. Cyberporn and Society State University of New York at Buffalo
4. Simpsons and Philosophy

3. Far Side Entomology

2. Myth and Science Fiction: Star Wars, The Matrix, and Lord of the Rings

1. The Strategy of StarCraft